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Clean Up Day at Howard Hall

On Saturday, March 20th from 10:30 - 2:00 we are having a Memphis Heritage workday at Howard Hall. We need help on several projects.
(RAIN DAY Sunday March 21st 1:30-3:30)

At Howard Hall, we will be under the guidance of our very own John Griffin as we take care of some pruning and sprucing up, etc.
We want Howard Hall to display the pride we all have for Historic Preservation.
Your volunteer support makes all the difference!
So bring your gloves and tools and meet at Howard Hall 2282 Madison Avenue @ Edgewood at 10:30 am and join in the fun!!!
We will be working until 2pm, so if you can't make it for the entire time come over even if it's just for an hour or so.
MHI members and volunteers make our agency strong. We can't make it happen without you!
If you can join us please let us know by calling 901.272.2727 or email
*lunch and beverages will be provided*
"Thanks for helping give our past a future"