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Calling all Art for Art’s Sake fans and donors! There has been an important change to the event this year that all should be aware of.

This year, the Art for Art’s Sake Auction will be moving from the second Saturday in April to June 23rd, so update your calendars!

The reason behind this change is two-fold. It came to our attention that InBalance Fitness was hosting the “Art’s of March” to raise funds for Cooper-Young beautification projects. Several members of the CYCA board and Art Auction Committee met with the owner Scott Lebowitz and the curator Mary Long-Postal to discuss their ideas for the event, their fundraising goals and their vision for the neighborhood. We love InBalance’s passion for community and their vision to increase the number of public art projects and spruce up the neighborhood. We also came to the conclusion that to have two art events so close together benefitting similar causes might be detrimental to both events.

Since they were further along in their planning process and had several artists, donors and a band committee for the date, we felt it was easier to move our event. This would also allow Cooper-Young artists to donate to both events if they wished and have more time in between to work on projects. We are all working towards a common goal of making Cooper-Young look the best it can!

The second reason is that a little extra time to prep for an event can definitely be a good thing. We are so very thankful and fortunate to have so many wonderful artists, craftspeople, businesses and volunteers in the area, but it can take a bit of time to get in contact with them all! By pushing the event back a couple of months, we will have more time get in contact with artists and donors, plus we can help promote the awesome people that donate for a longer period of time. We love our artists and donating businesses and we want to spread the word about how fantastic they are for as long as we can!

Keep an eye out in the coming months for more details about the event and how you can get involved. If you have any questions or comments in the meantime, please feel free to call us at 272-2922 or email us at