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National Earthquake Conference

We are presenting at the National Earthquake Conference!

Come see what we've accomplished to date, the strategies and approach we're developing, and a roadmap for retrofitting many historic brick bearing wall buildings in the mid-South over the next 25 years.

Our event is free and open to the public:
A cross-disciplinary series of presentations and a panel Q & A in the Venetian Room of the Peabody Hotel in Memphis on April 10 from 7 to 9:30pm, with a hosted reception at 6:30. This event is part of the Eathquake Engineering Research Institute and National Earthquake Conference which is coming to Memphis on the occasion of 200th anniversary of the great New Madrid Earthquakes.
For the event flyer and details, See Attachments.

Thank you's:

Special Thanks to:

Event Sponsors:

Simpson Strong-Tie,

and the West Tennessee Seismic Safety Commission,


and the rest of the

National Earthquake Conference organizers

for supporting us.

Case Studies:

Mark and Cynthia Grawemeyer

for offering 520 and 522 South Main

to be used as case studies.

The Presenters:

Justin Marshall, Elaine Clyburn,

Terry Hughes, Andrew Kizzee, June West,

Chris Cramer, Laura Saija, and Dmitry Ozeryansky.

Joey Hagan is the moderator, and Paul Young will give opening remarks.
Our Dedicated Volunteers:

Terry DeWitt, Allison Hennie, Andy Kizzee, Ted Risch


Please click the links below to download more information

and feel free to contact me if you have any questions or comments.

April 10th Conference Panel Agenda click here>>>
April 10th Event Flyer click here>>>
Project Overview presentation click here >>>
Our new Project Flyer click here>>>